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A depressed croissant searches for the meaning of life in the superficial world of the Boulangerie.
The 9-part web series received a Vimeo Staff Pick, multiple awards, as well as being one of the first independent Web Series to be featured on Amazon Prime.
Currently Croissant Man is getting a face-lift and being re-developed for Television.
Watch the original series here!

When wayward witch Genniver is caught on a Puritan settlement, she must prove she is "pure" enough to join the congregation or face a very unfair witch trial.
Curses! was chosen for the 2021 Sundance feature lab, as well as receiving the Comedy Central grant for that cycle. Susanna Fogel is executive producing and the project will be produced by Corporate Witchcraft, with Zosia Mamet attached to star. The feature is set to film in fall of 2022 and will be Directed by Tulica Singh.